Tenet 6 Return

Tenet 6: Roll the dice until the dice rolls you

Dice Theory is a methodology, philosophy, and framework for living in an orientation that prioritizes radical growth - with or without the dice. As dice rolling becomes an ingrained habit and dice-enabled reinforcement loops compound, seeking discomfort begins to normalize. We become not only comfortable with the unknown, but preferential towards the region beyond our zone of freedom. We witness exponential trajectories open up as we become conscious of and abandon deterministic paths. We experience joy in the face of the absurd. We learn to crave the growth that exists on the other side of pain, so much so that we start to crave the struggle itself. We take control of our freedom, unfastening attachments and feasting on restraints. The training wheels of dice rolling become expendable as we learn to fly. A superpower emerges. The dice begins to roll you.

Tenet 6 is not a permanent state we achieve. There is no nirvana experience where the other tenets cease to apply. There is no end state to growth besides death. Tenet 6 is an intermittent experience that both marks our progress and suggests we are ready to push ourselves even further. Anytime you actively choose to take the route of delayed gratification, you are letting the dice roll you. Anytime you proactively identify your weaknesses and execute plans to overcome them, you are letting dice roll you. Glimpses of these experiences surface more regularly as you progress through the Tenets and gain conviction in the process.

Whenever you find yourself favoring the challenge, the uncomfortable, the fearsome, the strange, the dice has already spoken - do not roll the dice.

Dice rolls you in the form of internal clarity, but the experience becomes even more potent when you utilize external forces. The more randomness we invite into our lives the more extreme our growth potential. Surround yourself with people who share the same desire for expansion and will push you past your boundaries. Growth-centered suggestions from others can rapidly accelerate your pace of growth since they are not constrained by your internal selection biases. Equip your friends with Dice Theory and push each other to expand each other. Let the people around you become your dice. Let them roll you.

Randomness is ubiquitous in life. If we only pause to look beyond ourselves, we will observe that stochastic waves floor our universe. Our base instincts and biases create an armor of protection around us, working to shield us in the name of self-preservation. The same armor prevents us from self-activation. As we become comfortable with the uncomfortable, we can remove the heavy plates and gradually unhinge from fixed versions of ourselves. We can consciously allow the random forces around us to sweep us into new experiences. Opportunity for radical growth persists at every corner in every moment. Let life become your dice. Let it roll you.

Tenet 6: Roll the dice until the dice rolls you